Parts & Trusses

We know a couple that are building a container home about 10 miles away.  They gave us 4 doors (in the truck bed) and a bunch of cut-outs (on the ground to tight of truck) that we can use in our project.  Yay!  Less steel for us to buy.

Six of the nine garage trusses are up.  We are rushing to get the roof done so we can move our trailer into the shade.  The trailer heats up like an oven when the sun hits it.

2 thoughts on “Parts & Trusses”

  1. Herb Natker says:


  2. caryl parker says:

    Yay! that’s progress! We just spent the weekend putting fire-retardant paint on the garage at the cabin. four coats, no less. make the fire department smile. Larry and Janet helped.

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